Extending the value of your case win

Mar 20th, 2014 | Company News, Law Firm Marketing, Legal Marketing in Brief

Was asked by a friend this morning how at low cost he might extend the promotional value of a recent case win.  Here’s my advice to him:

“I would suggest you get this posted not only to your blog but also put it out on PRWeb, a reasonably priced optimized press release service. See http://www.prweb.com/.  You use PR Newswire or Business Wire, but those platforms are more expensive.

You can contract directly with a freelance writer (I gave him the email address and phone for one we use) to write a release saying you won and established “first in the nation statewide rules to reduce methane emissions from oil and gas operations, rule projected to remove VOC emissions equal to all the cars on the road in the state of Colorado.” (That was what my friend said in his email to me was the significance of his case.)

Send key folks hard copy of the blog post/news release with a letter or note, too. Did you ever create an alert system using Constant Contact to push this out and news about your firm as digital e-alerts to clients, friends and referrals sources? Use the freelancer’s copy for that alert.

The repetition is requisite. As Dale Carnegie said: “Tell the audience what you are going to say, say; then tell them what you’ve said.

In a nutshell, that’s how you can quickly maximize the value of a ruling or other development in your practice.

One other thought would be to find a trade group where you could offer lessons learned from the litigation or deal as speech or workshop. Make sure the audience will be potential clients or referral sources.”

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